
Set Induction
Time frame (5 minutes)
- First of all, Ms Tan Lay Kheng shows the picture of the animals to the pupils.
- She will asks 4 Questions about the animals to the pupils accordingly to the pictures that show to them earlier.
- She will relates the answer and discuss the content of this unit.
- She then introduces the topic of the subject for the day :
o   The title is “The animals of survival”
Stage 1 – Story Board
Time frame (15 minutes)
- Mr. Lai Hun Liang begins the lesson by questionnaire the pupils to name the species of the animals in the picture.
- Mr. Lai will ask the pupils to name out of few species of the animals.
- Mr. Lai will arrange a pairs into a group. They need to list down the examples of the animals that able to take care of their eggs and young.
- Mr. Lai also asks the pupils to share their findings with the class.
- While doing this activity, Mr. Lai will express the value of having caring parents.
- Mr. Lai also prepares some printed material to show them.

Stage 2 – Self Access Learning
Time frame (15 minutes)
- Ms. Soo Lee Teng will go through the day’s lesson.
- Ms Soo will highlight the points of the text.
- Ms Soo encourages the pupils to try to practice with their own learning with internet.

Stage 3 –
Time frame (15 minutes)
- Ms. Lim Xiao Jing gives instruction to the pupils to collect information and produce flyers on how certain animals “How to take care of their eggs and young”
- The pupils need to coordinate to produce group work.

Time frame (5 minutes)
- Ms. Liew Soo Hui goes through the days of the lesson.
- Ms. Liew teaches and highlights the moral value of the text to pupils.
- Ms. Liew provides some idea and gives an advice to the pupils on how to practice good moral value in their daily life.